技術 Technology

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Plasma Monitor and Control 離子控

Analyzing plasma species in the process and optimization for the industrial plasma process by using OES technology which provides high speed analog output with closed loop PID control and end point detection combined in digital I/Os. Built-in Linux OS keeps high performance without any EMI interruption. The control stability is very high.

利用 OES 技術對工業等離子體工藝中的等離子體種類進行分析, 並對其進行優化, 該技術在數位 I/O 中結合閉鎖 PID 控制和端點檢測提供了高速類比輸出。 內置 Linux 作業系統保持高性能, 沒有任何 EMI 中斷。 控制穩定性非常高。

Power Control 電控

Pulsed DC, MF and HIPIMS outputs are quite stable based on built-in Linux OS and all optical fiber communications embedded inside the power supply. Master-slave control is based on optical fiber communication with synchronization trigger feature. From 3kW up to 600kW, all types are available and can be customized.

基於內置 Linux 作業系統和嵌入電源內的所有光纖通信, 脈衝直流、MF 和 HIPIMS 輸出相當穩定。 主從控制是基於具有同步觸發特性的光纖通信。 從3kW 到 600kW, 所有類型都可定制, 並且可以定制。

Magnetron Control 磁控

Magnetron sputtering sources are designed for high quality sputtering in non-metal or reactive sputtering applications. High target erosion and high uniformity are basic characteristics. Detailed specifications are upon request.

磁控濺射源專為非金屬或反應濺射應用中的高品質濺射而設計。 高目標侵蝕和高均勻性是基本特徵。 詳細的規格是根據要求。

PPN 脈衝等離子滲氮專案技術

Pulsed Plasma Nitriding (PPN) technology has more than 20 years operating experience to provide the best quality of surface hardening treatment for steel products. This solution is upon your request.

脈衝等離子滲氮 (PPN) 技術擁有超過20年的操作經驗, 可為鋼鐵產品提供最優質的表面硬化處理。 此解決方案是應您的要求提供的。